Accountancy (CA Intermediate - Group II)
For CA Intermediate Group II
CA (Dr.) PC Tulsian And CA Bharat Tulsian
- Over 50 Important Distinctions for a better comparative study.
- Over 100 Exhibits to acquaint students with various accounting treatment and formats.
- Over 600 Illustrations for a better understanding of the text.
- Over 350 Solved Problems
1. Redemption of Preferance Shares
2. Redemption of Debentures
3. Accounting for Bonus Issue
4. Accounting for Taxes on Income
5A. Managerial Remmuneration
5B Financial Statements of a Company
6. Cash Flow Statement
7. Profit Prior to Incorporation and Accounting for Business Acquisition
8. Accounting for Investments
9. Insurance Claims
10. Accounting for Hire Purchase and Instalment Purchase
11. Accounting for Departments
12A. Accounting for Branches
12B. Accounting for Foreign Branches
13. Accounts From Incomplete Records [or Single Entry System]
14A. Dissolution of a Firm
14B. Partnership — Insolvency, Piecemeal Distribution and Sale
14C. Partnership — Amalgamation and Conversion
1. Preface To Accounting Standards
2. Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
3. AS 1 – Disclosure of Accounting Policies
4. AS 2 – Valuation of Inventories
5. AS 3 – Cash Flow Statement
6. AS 4 – Contingencies and Events Occuring After the Balance Sheet Date
7. AS 5 – Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies
8. AS 10 – Property,Plant and Equipment
9. AS 11 – The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
10. AS 12 – Accounting for Government Grants